This blog is dedicated to
the UNreal events that happen
in everyday residential real
estate. Truth can be stranger
than fiction and as you might
say UNbelievable! Enjoy.

John W. King
DRE #00868208

Phone: (650) 483-2710

505 Hamilton Ave., Ste 100
Palo Alto, CA 94301

Offer UN-leashed! The 39-hour closing!

Offer UN-leashed! The 39-hour closing!

It certainly was an offer UN-leashed!  This was the fastest closing in my 30 years of residential real estate.  The home I listed in Mountain View in the Gemello Park neighborhood, came on at a price of $1,295,000 on a Friday morning.  I held it open over the weekend on Saturday and Sunday with big crowds both days.  We asked for all offers to be delivered by 2pm on Wednesday.  There were 5 offers which were received.  All of the offers were very good but the best one was an “all-cash” offer, the highest price offered at $1,465,000 and to top it off, a 2 day close of escrow!
Fortunately, I had prepared my seller that this could happen so we made sure everything the escrow/title company needed was there in place, i.e. the loan payoff, the seller’s trust information etc.  Sure enough, the offer was accepted at 6:00pm on Wednesday, sign-off at escrow was at 10:00am on Thursday and by 9:00am on Friday, 39 hours later, the sale was closed.  UN-believable!