Even a 103 year old farm house sells with Multiple Offers!
The market continues to stay UNbelievably hot and no end in sight! Even a 103 year old farm house I listed sold for over asking price with multiple offers! The neighborhood lore goes that the home was moved onto the site from the old Flood Estate in Atherton to make way for the Hetch Hetchy waterway. It was a beautiful home albeit nothing had been done in decades to the home in terms of improvement and the home. Even the heating system was just a wood stove in the middle of the living room. The home had been sitting on a post and piers without a concrete perimeter foundation all these years, yet it came through the Loma Prieta earthquake unscathed!
The funny story is that the sellers hired me because they saw my “no hair” ad which has been running in the paper and thought I had a good sense of humor. The sellers felt that their 103 year farm house with a wood stove for heat, needed someone with a sense of humor. It turns out that this was one of the most pleasant and memorable sales I have ever had. The sellers were the “salt” of the earth kind of people and I am glad for such a positive result.