Historic, UN-Historic or Hysteric?
UNbelievably, the majority of homes on the Peninsula or northern Silicon Valley, such as in Palo Alto, Mountain View and Los Altos are now around 60 years of age and more. A tremendous number of homes in Palo Alto, Menlo Park and Redwood City are now 100 years of age
UN-raveling a sale before it even get started!
This blog is dedicated to the UNreal events that can happen in Residential Real Estate. During my 30 years in this business, I think I’ve seen it all when the UN-thinkable happens. A recent listing of mine, a gorgeous 2 story home, just 11 years old, had been on the
Vestibulum bibendum erat et enim pellentesqu.
Vivamus ullamcorper, justo in dictum ullamcorper, quam enim maximus sem, a sodales nisl est ac nisi. Duis tincidunt ipsum eget bibendum pellentesque. Mauris varius sagittis interdum. Cras rutrum arcu libero, nec faucibus augue ullamcorper at. Suspendisse potenti. Duis a ante pellentesque, suscipit massa sit amet, rutrum augue. Nunc id ipsum