This blog is dedicated to
the UNreal events that happen
in everyday residential real
estate. Truth can be stranger
than fiction and as you might
say UNbelievable! Enjoy.

John W. King
DRE #00868208

Phone: (650) 483-2710

505 Hamilton Ave., Ste 100
Palo Alto, CA 94301

How to UN-stress your move…Part 1

How to UN-stress your move…Part 1

Moving can be a very stressful situation. All of your things are boxed up and when you get to the new home you may have to find something and you don’t know what box it went in. What are the best ways to UN-stress your move?

First, use a professional moving service. That way your things are packed and labeled for your move to the new home.  When you arrive, your things are put into the appropriate rooms.  Also, let the moving company pack your things.  This will also ensure that your items arrive UN-damaged.  More in part 2…